The Macintosh II was the first computer in the Macintosh line without a built-in display; a monitor rested on top of the case like the IBM Personal Computer and Amiga 1000. It was designed by hardware engineers Michael Dhuey (computer) [ 3 ] and Brian Berkeley (monitor) [ 4 ] and industrial designer Hartmut Esslinger (case).
The Apple Macintosh II features a 16 MHz 68020 processor, a 68881 FPU, 1 MB or 4 MB of RAM, a 40 MB or an 80 MB hard drive, and the option of an Apple Macintosh II video card in a large, easy-to-open desktop case.
2018年4月4日 · Apple II 系列是美国苹果公司发布的一个系列普及型的电子计算机,相比于它的第一代产品 Apple I 有了很大的改进。 自从 Apple II 在1977年于美国西海岸电脑展(West Coast Computer Faire)首次亮相以来,直到 1993年末为止,据估算 Apple II 系列电脑大约生产了 600 …
The Macintosh II was the first personal computer model of the Macintosh II series and the first Macintosh to support a color display. It was announced by Apple Computer with the Macintosh SE on March 2, 1987 but reportedly did not ship until April 1987.[1]
Rolled out in March 1987 along with the compact Mac SE, the Mac II was the first modular Mac – a revolutionary change in the Macintosh line (so revolutionary that it had to be kept secret from Steve Jobs, who loved the simplicity of all-in-one designs). Options include two 800K floppy drives and a hard drive as big as 5.25″.