Information contained in our media releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether or not ...
Fall cleanup season is underway. It means a little more work for homeowners, but it also means we’re seeing a few more break-and-enter reports. Homeowners often leave their front doors unlocked or ...
With school back in session, our School Resource Officers have been working hard to ensure the safety of students inside and around Winnipeg schools. A frequent concern we hear from schools and ...
Tous les biens de Winnipeg sont menacés par le gel des conduites. Voici certains facteurs qui peuvent entraîner le gel des conduites : ...
Les conduites d’eau souterraines et la plomberie interne peuvent geler en hiver, causant une coupure du service d’eau ou, dans le pire des cas, l’éclatement d’une conduite. C’est un problème courant ...
Détails complets sur les mesures pouvant être prises pour empêcher le gel de sa plomberie interne : Empêcher le gel des conduites d’eau Pour certains biens, il se peut qu’il soit difficile de ...
Si vos conduites d’eau souterraines ou votre plomberie interne sont gelées, vous devrez les faire dégeler. Pour dégeler votre plomberie interne gelée, vous pouvez embaucher un entrepreneur agréé, ou ...
The Winnipeg 150 medals were created for Winnipeg City Council to present to residents of Winnipeg who have made a significant contribution to their neighbourhood or the city at large. This form is ...
Information contained in our media releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether or not ...
Winnipeg, MB – Today the City of Winnipeg announced the recipients of the Winnipeg 150 Medals, which recognize residents for their contributions to their community and our City. A total of 150 medals ...
The Winnipeg Police Service is proud to be participating in the 2024 Manitoba Hydro Santa Claus Parade. Parade is our city's longest running free community event — established in 1909. The lights, ...