Adult Animation Embrace the strange, surprising and hilarious with our selection of animated shows that are definitely not for kids!
Santa's youngest son, Arthur, embarks on a magical adventure to deliver the very last present that's been left behind at the North Pole! Unfortunately Arthur Christmas isn't available to watch ...
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The Gone When a young Irish couple vanishes from a small town in the North Island of New Zealand, Irish Detective Theo Richter teams up with Kiwi Detective Diana Huia to find them. Starring ...
Six supernatural stories inspired by the Māori, Pasifika, Filipino, and Chinese people of Aotearoa. Made with the support of NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho.
In this dating show with a difference, we follow six Kiwis with Down Syndrome or other intellectual disabilities on a frank, funny and heartfelt quest to find love and happiness.
Home and Away The water's warm and the drama's even hotter! Don't miss the latest from the guys and girls in Summer Bay. New episodes Monday - Thursdays at 8am, or 6.30pm on TVNZ 2 ...
An all-star cast including Kevin Hart, Samuel L. Jackson and Taraji P. Henson bring to life the crazy true story of a heist that went down on the night of Muhammad Ali's 1970 comeback fight.
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Poker Face Natasha Lyonne stars as Charlie Cale, a human lie detector with a knack for solving the strange and uncanny crimes that seem to follow her wherever she goes. From creator of Knives Out ...