The Sensex has dropped by 0.61 per cent, hovering near 77,767.08, and Nifty 50 is down by 0.50 per cent, trading around 23,527.80. Market Update at 9:45 AM: On Tuesday, markets started on a negative ...
Here is the complete list of companies which have crossed their previous 52 week low share price during the day (intraday). At a single glance, view other parameters like their current market price, ...
*Please note that the losers are arranged in the list in a descending order. If they are a part of indices, the market indices experience a downward trajectory. Conversely, when the market indices are ...
The BSE Advance and Decline has been one of the well known tools for estimating the breadth of the wide market. Advances and declines refer generally to the number of stocks that closed at a higher ...
The stock gave multibagger returns of 695 per cent in just 2 years, 11,000 per cent in 3 years and a whopping 27,000 per cent in 5 years. On Wednesday, shares of Mercury EV-Tech Ltd hit a 5 per cent ...