To deliver on performance and versatility, 5G requires a more complex and robust infrastructure. Arm delivers technology for building faster, low-latency 5G networks. The combination of leading ...
Arm technology is everywhere technology matters, providing the foundation for advances in innovation and the future of AI computing around the world. See how we’re helping our partners around the ...
Armv9-A accelerates the processing of large datasets, which is critical for cutting edge scenarios like genomics and computer vision. All are made possible without the need to recompile software and ...
Use the word trademarks listed below in accordance with the Arm trademark use guidelines. In addition, please follow the Arm branding guidelines if you hold a valid trademark licence from Arm. The ...
Evaluate or commercially deploy FPGA devices with Arm CPUs with no license fees or royalties. Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M1 CPUs are seamlessly integrated as soft CPUs on FPGAs from multiple partners.
Whether leveraging generative AI or sensory data for autonomous functions, developers need to deploy AI-based workloads efficiently. Arm streamlines the entire developer experience, ensuring AI ...
Arm 運算函式庫是針對 Cortex-A CPU, Neoverse 和 Mali 繪圖處理器架構最佳化的低階機器學習函數的集合。該函式庫是在核可的 MIT 授權下可用的開源軟體。 Arm 運算函式庫提供優於其他開放原始碼替代品的效能,並立即支援新的 Arm 技術,例如 SVE2。 面對所有複雜的軟體 ...
Get a clear understanding of the benefits of running AI workloads on-device and when a CPU is the practical choice for processing these workloads. Our guide tells you everything you need to know, ...
Irida Labs is an edge computer vision software provider of the Vision AI platform and solutions for Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, and custom. Irida Labs is an edge computer vision software ...
Learn more about the basics of Arm CoreSight debug and trace technology. Talk with an Arm expert today.
安全世界有多種可能的軟體架構,而這些架構的實作幾乎完全取決於使用者的目標應用程式。 一個簡單的實作可能專注於保護在受保護的工廠環境中實現的單一資產,例如單一密鑰的身分鑑定。這需要一個簡單的解決方案,包括一個輕量級安全核心和用於在正常 ...
AISing realizes an unprecedented level of efficiency promotion and performance improvement of machines, by our proprietary edge AI. AISing is developing original edge AI algorithms and providing ...