The right to abortion is a human rights issue that no government agency, courts, local and state legislators, or anyone else has the right to violate or impede in any shape or form. It is a ...
Information manipulation and misinformation are not new phenomena, but they have taken on exaggerated importance, especially ...
The future seems virtually bleak, particularly if current trends continue, when over 582 million people will be chronically ...
BALTIMORE, Maryland USA, Oct 14 2024 (IPS) - World Food Day seems like it should be a time to celebrate. A day to eat ...
The Pacific Community’s PROTÉGÉ Project is striving to advance climate resilient development through protecting and better managing biodiversity ...
Since late August, severe flash floods and monsoons plaguing Bangladesh have affected nearly 6 million people. Bangladeshi officials have declared the floods to be the country’s worst climate disaster ...
Brazil is counting on biofuels to assert itself as an energy powerhouse in the near future, as a decisive supplier of low-carbon jet fuel, a requirement of the climate crisis. The electrification of ...
In December 2022, the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) saw governments worldwide unite behind a set of ambitious targets aimed at ...
It is almost universally acknowledged that Pakistan emerged a separate state in 1947 primarily on the basis of religion. Yes, an Islamic state, but isn’t history rather murky on the question of ...
High up in the eucalyptus-strewn Entoto Mountains, which overlook the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, work is nearly complete on the country’s first observatory. Studying the stars and the galaxies ...
As foreign donors drag their feet on injecting badly needed cash into the government’s coffers, local analysts are increasingly worried that this will affect implementation of key development projects ...
Almost every rainy season the floodgates of Kariba Dam have to be opened to relieve pressure on the dam wall. But despite warnings not to live or farm on the river banks of the Zambezi River ...