10月9日晚,奚派传统名剧《白帝城》在山东省会大剧院歌曲厅精彩上演,剧场内不时响起喝彩叫好声,更是让现场20多位来自山大的印度留学生直呼“Beijing Opera”。 《白帝城》是济南市京剧院今年推出的十出经典传统剧目中的一出重点剧目。
“苹果青”番茄是北京传统口味名优蔬菜品种,二十世纪五十年代至八十年代在北京海淀区、朝阳区和丰台区等二环至四环路之间的近郊区菜田种植。成熟时高圆的果实从头顶开始羞答答地变成粉红色,肩膀那儿绿得像青苹果似的,所以才有了这么个有意思的名字——“苹果青”。果 ...
BEIJING, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- About 800 experts from China and around the world convened Friday at the 2024 World Agrifood Innovation Conference (WAFI 2024), advocating a low-carbon transition in ...
शहर के ड्यूटी फ्री शॉपिंग मॉल का उद्घाटन कोलंबो पोर्ट सिटी के निर्माण और विकास में एक महत्वपूर्ण चरणबद्ध उपलब्धि है। श्रीलंका ...
Beijing, 11 out (Xinhua) -- O comércio de serviços da China teve um rápido crescimento nos primeiros oito meses do ano, ...
BEIJING, Oct. 10 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping has extended greetings to the elderly on the eve of the country's Seniors' Day, which falls on Friday this year. Xi, also general secretary of ...
今年八月,澳大利亚联邦参议院通过了一项动议,重申中华人民共和国(PRC)对台湾(即中华民国,ROC)没有主权。 两个月后,同一动议在台湾立法院却未能通过。
Xi pointed out that China and Tunisia enjoy profound traditional friendship. In recent years, under the joint guidance of both leaders, bilateral relations have developed in a sound and steady manner, ...
Li Chunlai, a researcher with the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and deputy chief designer of the Chang'e-6 mission, observes a lunar sample retrieved by ...
O presidente chinês, Xi Jinping, reuniu-se com convidados estrangeiros que participam da Conferência Internacional de Amizade da China e da conferência em celebração do 70º aniversário da fundação da ...