Dental clinics, once said to outnumber convenience stores in Japan, are increasingly shutting down, unable to adjust to their aging workforces and higher commodity prices.
EquitiFy has been named a Silver winner in the category of Entrepreneur / Founder of the Year in Best in Biz Awards 2024, the only independent business awards program judged each year by prominent ...
Dental fillings are routine restorative dental treatments. They are placed in cavities (small areas of tooth decay or damage) in tooth enamel (the thin outer layer of your teeth). The process involves ...
The Animal Kingdom writer/director Thomas Cailley blends traditional French social realism with one major element of science fiction (humans turning into animals) to create a dystopian drama that ...
Tinotenda Pudu was eventually found weak and dehydrated but alive. A young boy who went missing in a rainforest reserve in northern Zimbabwe, home to dangerous animals like lions and elephants ...