You would have woken up warmer Tuesday in these four arctic cities. But did South Bend beat even the South Pole?
Temperatures dipped to 5 degrees in Howell early Monday, and the wind chill reached -9 degrees. It's colder than Siberia.
Temperatures dipped to 5 degrees in Evansville early Monday morning, and the wind chill reached minus-6 degrees.
How and why Russia ceded its control over Alaska to the United States 150 years ago is actually two tales and two ...
A dog trainer has taken to social media to share his thoughts on a particular breed - and people are not happy. They've ...
Dog trainer Will Atherton has shared his thoughts on what dog breeds people might want to think twice about owning - and his ...
Dog trainer Will Atherton has revealed the one dog breed he would never own as a pet as he believes it belongs in the ...
A dog trainer has taken to social media to share the one breed of dog that people should "absolutely not" own - and it's not ...
A dog trainer has taken to social media to share the dog breeds that he "wouldn't personally own" - but his comments have sparked a mixed reaction from fellow pet owners ...
Will Atherton, a dog trainer, has revealed the one dog breed that he thinks people shouldn't own - and it's all down to the 'kind of energy' they have ...
The Seppala Siberian sled dogs eyed for the honor trace their ancestry back to Togo, who lived most of his final years at Poland Spring after his days of pulling sleds through the Alaskan wilderness ...