Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” connected disappearing populations of bald eagles to the presence of the pesticide DDT in the birds’ food chain. Because bald eagles are apex predators, their dose of ...
A good deal of attention is now being given to the probable origin of radium. Whether the element, while still intermingled with other substances in the ores in which it is found, undergoes change ...
Compared to samples collected upstream of the facility, the researchers found elevated levels of the radioactive element radium in the animals’ soft tissue, their hard shells and the streambed ...
One of the chief values of this publication is that it gives a summary of the results of radium treatment of cancer in various parts of the body. The results are given as survival rates ...
Brian Haycraft, a plumber in Wenona, called the water quality “dangerous,” and believes it is damaging copper water pipes. Haycraft also said the city has been having issues for a year. We reached out ...