WhatsApp has announced several new features inspired by tools from Meta’s other platforms. Camera effects from video calls are now available for photos and videos taken directly in chats.
The Pixel Camera app has long been considered one of the best camera apps on the market, and it’s easy to see why. The app offers a few standout modes, like Night Sight, astrophotography, and ...
If you just got a new iPhone, there are lots of things you can do to make the most of the great cameras you now have in your pocket. I’ve selected some of the best camera and photo editing apps ...
An official launch of iOS 19 could take place in September Apple might introduce a new Camera app interface in iOS 19 Tapping video or photo option in the camera app ...
Windows 11 has come with a new multi-app camera feature. With this feature enabled, you can allow multiple apps to use a camera simultaneously on your Windows 11 PC. Earlier, we weren’t able to ...
Set up the perfect shot, then get in it yourself, thanks to the iPhone camera timer! Select the perfect camera delay to give you plenty of time to get into position. Tap the iPhone photo timer icon, ...
Now that the Galaxy S25 Ultra is official, we can show you this quick camera comparison we made versus its predecessor. Specs improvements, like the Snapdragon 8 Elite chip and all its AI prowess ...