Apple refreshed the Mac mini back in November, adding M4 chips and increasing the base memory. We did a hands-on impressions video at the time, but we thought we'd follow that up with a more in ...
Once you get over the ick factor, new technologies are efficiently transforming human waste into agricultural solutions. A new industrial facility in suburban Seattle is giving off a whiff of ...
The world’s oceans stow vast amounts of carbon dioxide. Now, a growing group of scientists and companies say they’ve found a way to increase that storage capacity by tweaking ocean water ...
Venus and Jupiter dance in January's evening skies. Four bright planets are conveniently placed for viewing in January's evening sky. By far, the most brilliant is Venus, which dominates the ...
Thomson Reuters has acquired tax automation company SafeSen d in an all-cash transaction valued at $600 million. Founded in 2008, Ann Arbor, Michigan-based SafeSend serves a cloud-based platform ...
Years ago, I wrote a story about how Orlando was a bagel desert. In it, there were several contenders upping the city’s game, one of which was a cottage bakery, a little tiny operation that a ...
Slowing down climate change is an immense task, but small individual actions can add up to help reduce emissions. In 2024, the critical 1.5C threshold was breached for a full year for the first ...
I’m Tim, directed by Henrik Burman and streaming on Netflix in conjunction with the live set Avicii: My Last Show, is the documentary portion of what feels like a complete official statement on ...
A newly-deployed satellite has created the most-detailed map yet of the ocean floor, finding hundreds of hills and underwater volcanoes that were previously missed. A new satellite has mapped ...
The Poco M7 Pro 5G enters the fiercely competitive sub-Rs 15,000 smartphone market with some notable upgrades over its predecessor, the M6 Pro. While this price range is packed with options, the M7 ...
Every product is carefully selected by our editors and experts. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. Learn more. For more information on how we test products, click here. Touching down at ...