File sharing between devices can feel complicated if you’ve never given it much thought. But, in reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Quick Share makes sending and receiving ...
Samantha Kelly is a freelance writer with a focus on consumer technology, AI, social media, Big Tech, emerging trends and how they impact our everyday lives. Her work has been featured on CNN, NBC ...
Google is rolling out a new update for the Quick Share app on Windows which improves how you can change visibility settings among other changes and fixes. Quick Share for Windows v1.0.2034.4 is ...
Who needs another heavy-handed weight loss goal or another nebulous “get in shape” New Year’s resolution? Instead, why not adapt goals that promote a healthier lifestyle and are rewarding ...
Bank of Cyprus has introduced the QuickPay QR Code, a new feature enabling customers to send and receive payments quickly and securely through the BoC Mobile App using only their mobile phones.
Mary Alice Russell is a Southern Living fellow who is starting her career in lifestyle journalism. Primarily focused on social media and digital production, Mary Alice is excited to hone her skills ...
Windows Quick Access is a handy feature. It not only lists recent folders but also includes some system folders like documents, downloads, pictures and so on. If you ever wanted to rename Quick ...