In a recent interview, actor Sonu Sood revealed that Salman Khan and Arbaaz Khan had called him to play the villain in Dabangg 2, but he declined the offer. Read on to find out why!
It's been nearly a year since the Wicked press (and subsequent memes) began, but just a little over a month since it finally made its highly anticipated theatrical debut. And as of Dec. 31, it's ...
At the end of the day, Lohan tends to use, 'Aveeno face wipes, some Avène face wash and then the redness cream at night again because after I take everything off, I get a little pink.' ...
They're stuffed with features, and you might end up overpaying for a watch you don't need, or saving money on a watch that doesn't fit your lifestyle. However, whatever end of the scale you're on ...