In a heart-breaking incident, a smuggler dumped two young migrant girls with a handwritten note at the US border over the weekend. In a heart-breaking incident, a smuggler dumped two young migrant ...
The girls, from El Salvador, carried only a note with an address and phone number, and were then referred to U.S. Border Patrol. The incident taps into ongoing concerns about unaccompanied migrant ...
National Girl Child Day 2025: Union Minister of Industry and Supply Piyush Goyal took to X to pen a heartfelt note for his daughter Radhika, on the occasion of National Girl Child Day 2025.
It results in hangovers, Instagram feeds filled with posts captioned “happy Halloweekend” and the scariest Sunday of them all. It’s safe to say that this weekend is a big deal, especially for girls.
Two little migrant girls clutching a handwritten note were dumped at the US border by a smuggler who ran back to Mexico, according to authorities. The stranded kids from El Salvador, ages 5 and 9 ...