Tempelhofer Feld is located on the former site of Tempelhof Airport. Since the closure of the airport in 2010, the area, which covers more than 450 soccer fields, has become a popular place to stay, ...
Mark Bradford and Sam Bardaouil, Director of Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart talk about Bradford's artistic practice and his first comprehensive solo exhibition in Germany, which ...
The 90-minute tour provides visitors with all the information on political arrest and persecution during the Soviet occupation and the GDR.44 years of political persecution: You can follow the darker ...
An evening about a strong woman who, during a Gestapo interrogation, states: "If others have become traitors, I certainly will not." ...
Johannes Fink bereichert als Cellist und Bassist seit langem die Berliner - und die internationale Jazzszene. Jonathon Haffner kommt ursprünglich aus Südkalifornien, hat mit internationalen Jazzgrößen ...
13 years after the NSU was exposed, we are now at a crossroads in the political battle of opinion. While the political elite struggles for the sovereignty of meaning, social media has mutated into a ...
13 Jahre nach dem Auffliegen des NSU stehen wir heute an einem Scheideweg des politischen Meinungskampfes. Während die politische Elite um die Bedeutungshoheit ringt, sind die sozialen Medien zu einem ...
This city tour is a recommendation for guests who would like to follow in the footsteps of the French in Berlin since their settlement in 1685. The cultural history of Berlin has often been shaped by ...
What would be possible if human resuscitation became a reality? Professor Kern, a brilliant scientist and student of the legendary Professor Dowell, has achieved the unthinkable: she has revived a ...
Mr. Puntila and the giant thing in Mitte was the title of a production by Volksbühne director René Pollesch, premiered in 2021. This "giant thing" is the Volksbühne on Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, which has ...
The time has come: it's spooky and scary in Berlin in Autumn. The Halloween month of October has already begun. So it's high time to get in the mood for the night of the undead. In addition to sweet ...
Über 200 Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik, treffen sich um über aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit auszutauschen. Klimakrise, ...