Antimicrobials – antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antiparasitics – are substances widely used to prevent and treat infections in humans, aquaculture, livestock and crop production. Their ...
Lucas di Grassi a Brazilian racing driver has made significant contributions to motorsports and environmental advocacy. He has participated in a number of racing championships, notably Formula E. Mr.
Environment plays a key role in development, transmission and spread of AMR. Therefore, the response must be based on a One Healthapproach, recognizing that humans, animals, plants and environment are ...
In a new video, UNEP explores how one group of chemical compounds is feeding climate change and stoking air pollution.
The Indus River and its tributaries have nurtured human civilization on the Indian sub-continent since the Bronze Age. Several millennia later, modern-day Pakistan still depends heavily on the river ...
Colombian cities are transforming urban areas with nature to lessen the fallout from climate change and save biodiversity.
Azima Magonde Giston is walking through his cacao plantation, which sits on the fringes of a lush rainforest in the northern ...
Since launching in 2019, Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs) has been recognized as an agile and dynamic platform to support action and implementation of the SDGs. GO4SDGs ...
В июне 1972 года десятки стран собрались в Стокгольме (Швеция) на Конференцию ООН по окружающей человека среде, первую ...
Eslogan: Paz con la NaturalezaVisite la página oficial de la conferencia.La 16ª reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes ...