“Founding Principles” is an educational video series that provides an introductory, non-partisan overview and basic understanding of American government. How is American government defined? What are ...
Our beautiful home, in our beautiful state of Maine: this place makes us who we are. Intentionally small, and woven together by paths and pines, you can get from one side to the other in under ten ...
Based on survey responses collected in the fall of 2023 (response rate of 35%), 92% of Bowdoin's Class of 2022 reported that they were employed or attending graduate school. Bowdoin graduates pursue a ...
In support of the Black Lives Matter Movement, the staff of the Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum has been reflecting upon our institutional history and what we can do moving forward to better promote ...
The Harriet Beecher Stowe House, located at 63 Federal Street in Brunswick, Maine, was the rented home of Harriet Beecher Stowe and her family from 1850 to 1852. During Stowe’s time in Brunswick, she ...
Bowdoin students continue to land amazing opportunities around the world. Career Exploration and Development and thousands of Polar Bear alums are here to support you—no matter where you are in your ...
Bowdoin offers 43 majors and 45 minors within 24 departments, 9 programs and 4 special areas, as well as a student-designed major option. Students may opt for a single, double, or coordinate major ...
We are committed to expanding digital opportunities across all disciplines, inside and outside the classroom. "The team in academic technology has been incredibly supportive of my research and my ...
The Beckwith Music Library, located in Gibson Hall, contains a strong collection of sound recordings and an excellent collection of performing scores. The areas of strength of the sound recording ...