Aalto-yliopiston arkkitehtuurin laitos ja VTT suunnittelivat talon, joka rakennetaan ja puretaan ainakin kahdesti. Kokeilulla on tarkoitus tutkia uudelleenkoottavuutta ja testata rakennusmateriaaleja ...
The Department of Architecture and VTT have designed a building that will be built and dismantled at least twice. The aim of the experiment is to investigate building materials and products in real ...
Aalto ARTSilla on kansainvälinen tieteellinen ja taiteellinen tukiryhmä, joka kokoontuu säännöllisesti tukemaan koulun kehitystä erityisesti tutkimuksen alalla. Tukiryhmä vieraili Aalto-yliopiston kam ...
Aalto ARTS has an international Scientific and Artistic Advisory Board (SAAB) that meets regularly to support the development of the School, especially in the area of research. The support group ...
Katri Kauppi (nee Karjalainen) got her PhD from Helsinki School of Economics in 2009, on the topic of "Challenges of purchasing centralization - Empirical evidence from Public Procurement". She was ...
Maleeha Maqbool had already worked eight years in manufacturing industry in her home country Pakistan before starting the Master’s programme. Experiencing two different cultures and manufacturing ...