From the photographer: “After the X-class Solar flare of 8th October and accompanying CME ( Coronal Mass Ejections ), I have ...
The World At Night (TWAN) is an international effort to present stunning nightscape photos and timelapse videos of the ...
From the photographer: “The crescent moon before setting on the horizon on the night of October 6th from Guatemala. Appreciating a little of its dark side and its illuminated part, taking advantage of ...
A photo composite of two exposures. From the photographer: “I had long planned to take a shot with the Piazza Armerina Basilica in the foreground. I cannot say whether five years is a few or many, but ...
From the photographer: “The Belchen (1,414 m) is the second highest mountain in the Black Forest in south-west Germany. From there, on a clear day, you have a fantastic view as far as the Vosges ...