Rabbi Binyamin (left) and Martin Buber, two members of Brit Shalom. The David B. Keidan Collection of Digital Images/Wikimedia Commons.
Karin Stögner is Professor of Sociology at the University of Passau, Germany and co-ordinator of the Research Network on Racism and Antisemitism in the European Sociological Association. In this ...
Behnam Ben Taleblu, a native Farsi speaker, is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defence of Democracies, where he focuses on Iranian security and political issues. He speaks here with BICOM ...
Oren Ben-Dor is a Professor in the University of Southampton’s Law School, and co-organiser of a controversial conference on International Law and the State of Israel. The recent cancellation of the ...
Calev Ben-Dor argues that the fight raging today between Israeli politicians about how to interpret the meaning of ancient Jewish texts reflects the political chasm currently separating the two ...
Dr. Amichai Magen maps the increasing interconnectedness of the Islamist terror threats faced by Europe and Israel, and considers how policy makers can work together ...
Sara Hirschorn is the author of City on a Hilltop: American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement (Harvard 2017). She reviews a new documentary film, Ha-Midrashia (Once Upon a School) directed by Tal ...
Elai Rettig presenting 'Ethical Considerations in Israel's Oil Import Policy,'at the Midwest Political Science Association annual conference in Chicago, 8 April 2018. Facebook.
To be entrusted with someone’s narrative is a privilege. To grant such access … is an act of faith. To be on the receiving end of such an act of faith is a privilege. Marda Dunsky, Stories from ...
Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin is a public opinion expert who has advised five national campaigns in Israel and in 15 other countries; she is a founding writer on +972 Magazine, co-host of the Tel Aviv Review ...