Washington is divided into 62 Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIAs) based on natural watersheds. Due to Washington’s varied land uses, hydrology, and precipitation levels, the amount of water ...
For more information on the programmatic environmental impact statement currently being developed by the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council on electrical transmission, please visit their website.
When food goes in the trash, so do resources, time, and money. Save on all three with small changes to your cooking and shopping habits. Get started today. Your food saving journey starts here. We’ve ...
A new report from the Washington Department of Ecology shows total state greenhouse gas emissions dipped 13.8% in 2020, falling below the legal limit for that year. Emissions rose 8.8% in 2021 but ...
Computer models are used extensively for water quality management and Total Maximum Daily Load studies. Models are tools used to predict how a water body will respond to changes in the amount of ...
Taking detailed field notes on a lake. The Environmental Assessment Program is the science arm of Ecology. Our scientists measure and analyze environmental conditions. Quality data is our highest ...
The legislature directed us to adopt a model ordinance that local governments could use to support managing their organic materials. The model ordinance needed to establish disincentives for people to ...