Rabbeinu Yona in Shaarei Teshuva (3:17) teaches us that the sublime virtues in Judaism (e.g. Talmud Torah, “V’halachta Bidrachav – following in His ways) were given over as Mitzvot Asei ...
The prison guard stared in disbelief; in all their years, they’d never seen a prisoner dress like that. I continued visiting him and saw that Shimon was undergoing a deep, genuine teshuva. He worked ...
(Devarim 31:17) The Ramban expounds further that although the lack of a total confession inhibits complete teshuva, the regret for one’s sins is powerful enough to alleviate the severe ...
Rabbi Kook teaches that penitence which relates only to personal wrongdoing is incomplete because the Teshuva of each individual Jew is actually only a part of a much greater National Teshuva of ...
Our time is one of great upheaval. Presently, Israel is defending itself from enemies bent on destroying the Jewish State, Heaven forbid. While we know that this war has come to advance the ...
The key to being able to move forward and for teshuva to be effective lies in the power that human beings possess in the ability to interpret. Jews spend a great deal of time interpreting sacred ...