Official rabbitmq plugin for dokku. Currently defaults to installing rabbitmq 4.0.2-management.
A simple rabbitmq library for laravel based on Publish–Subscribe pattern where the subscriber is the Consumer.
RabbitMQ是一个功能强大的消息中间件,通过AMQP协议在.NET Core项目中实现高效、可靠的消息传递。本文从基础概念、安装配置到具体示例代码,详细介绍了RabbitMQ在.NET Core中的应用。 引言 RabbitMQ是一个开源的消息代理和队列服务器,它实现了高级消息队列协议(AMQP ...
Sure, hard drives are cool. But what if we could store our data in the internet itself, all with the power of a Ping.
The second issue resolved in Access Rights Manager is a hardcoded credential vulnerability that could allow an attacker to bypass authentication and access the RabbitMQ management console. Tracked as ...
Also addressed by SolarWinds is a medium-severity flaw in ARM (CVE-2024-28990, CVSS score: 6.3) that exposed a hard-coded credential which, if successfully exploited, could allow unauthorized access ...
什么是解耦? 在技术开发中,解耦(Decoupling)指的是将各个模块或系统之间的依赖关系减到最低,使得每个模块都能独立工作,减少相互影响。解耦的好处是,当某个模块出现问题时,不会导致整个系统瘫痪。对于大型、复杂的系统,解耦可以极大提升系统的扩展性和容错能力。 那么,如何在秒杀系统中实现解耦,尤其是如何将秒杀数据同步给数据团队?这是我们今天的重点。
As the tech industry continues to evolve, Nnaemeka Ezechi’s achievements serve as a beacon of excellence and leadership. His ...
秒杀场景中的挑战 我们都知道,秒杀是一个经典的高并发场景。成千上万的用户在同一时间点访问服务器,竞争少量的库存。这时候,系统要做的事情非常多,比如: 生成订单:用户下单后,系统需要快速生成订单。 扣减库存:为了保证库存准确,需要对库存进行快速扣减。 发放优惠券:成功购买后,系统可能会为用户发放优惠券。