Such a structure, consisting essentially of apatite crystals embedded in an organic matrix, might be expected to exhibit piezoelectric properties, as in the case of many other multicrystalline ...
Researchers fom South Korea’s Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology have developed an extremely efficient energy harvesting device. This innovative new device turns body movements into ...
Piezoelectric effects have been produced in a number of soft tissues, as well as hard, and appear to be associated with the presence of oriented fibrous proteins such as collagen. Thus ...
This three-dimensional stretchable piezoelectric energy harvester attaches to the skin or clothes, and the produced energy can power electronic devices. Generally, energy harvesters are of two types: ...
The team's paper is published in the International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing. Prof. Ryu explains, "Our study explains the materials and device fabrication strategies for tactile sensors using ...
Making Electronic Devices Flexible With smartphones, we have become used to carrying electronics with us all the time. This is, however, still done with a bulky block of metal and plastic, which, if ...
The device utilizes the piezoelectric effect, a phenomenon where certain materials generate an electrical charge in response to mechanical stress. This means that activities like walking ...
The amplitude image is the response of a piezoelectric material experiencing a sinusoidal strain because of the applied voltage. The straining effect leads to the cantilever deflecting from its set ...