来自MSN15 小时
NBA 2K25: Best Playbooks
A n NBA team is only as good as the plays they run. They can have some of the best players in the league, but without running ...
Video games are for everyone: young and old, famous and ordinary. Gone are the days when video games were seen as an outlet ...
作为联盟长期以来的领军人物,詹姆斯在昨天的比赛中完成了一项前所未有的壮举——职业生涯投篮出手达到30010次。这一成就使他成为NBA历史上首位达到此数字的球员。在这场比赛中,詹姆斯表现不俗,以20投9中的效率贡献了18分,并抓下11个后场篮板,以9720个后场篮板的生涯纪录超越名宿奥拉朱旺,升至历史第七位,也再次印证了他在防守端的全能表现。詹姆斯的职业生涯一直伴随着对纪录的追逐,多次成为不同统计领 ...
Things are looking up for the Phoenix Suns on the basketball court these days. The same can't be said for Jusuf Nurkic.
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