Tales from the Magic Garden is a co-production with an equal creative contribution from four countries, represented by the production companies Maurfilm (Czech Republic), Artichoke (Slovakia), ZVVIKS ...
Photo credit: Richard Wingard But the real magic happens in the conservatory. It’s a glass wonderland filled with plants that seem to have their own personalities. There’s a pathway winding through, ...
This mixed media art museum in South Street is a must-visit in Philadelphia, with two indoor galleries and a two-story outdoor sculpture garden. Each of the handmade tiles, bicycle wheels ...
Prepare to grow a dream garden and decorate your space in Tiny Garden. Check out the Tiny Garden trailer for this upcoming game, featuring a mix of puzzle-solving and strategy. Tiny Garden will be ...
Children start to believe when they are toddlers. Adults feed into their magical thinking with beliefs such as Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, among others.As children grow older, at ...