This Git contains all document-level JavaScript that is used in the AcroForm PDFs called MPMB's Character Record Sheet. Note that you can't create the PDF from just this repository, this is just the ...
The trailer begins with a teaser showing silhouettes of the different Overwatch 2 characters in the Avatar skins as they perform actions. It is then that it cuts to Zenyatta in the Aang attire. We ...
“Dexter: Original Sin” brings fans back to the serial killer they all know and (perhaps worth examining) love, but he’s wearing a different face this time around. No, not literally.
A large number of Character.AI users are reporting that they were unexpectedly signed into a stranger's account, allowing them to see their entire chat history, personas, and even identifying ...
In an announcement today, Chatbot service Character.AI says it will soon be launching parental controls for teenage users, and it described safety measures it’s taken in the past few months ...
Character AI is facing at least two lawsuits, with plaintiffs accusing the company of contributing to a teen’s suicide and exposing a 9-year-old to “hypersexualized content,” as well as ...
Following a pair of lawsuits alleging that chatbots caused a teen boy's suicide, groomed a 9-year-old girl, and caused a vulnerable teen to self-harm, Character.AI (C.AI) has announced a separate ...