Internal frame rate/frame transfer to computer 250/240 fps File formats EER (includes 16k x 16k super-resolution data, all frames accessible – fractionation not required) MRC Detection modes Electron ...
The AmScope AF102 is an auto-focusing camera that mounts onto the camera port of their binocular microscope, it outputs 1080p video over HDMI and provides on-screen controls for settings like focus, ...
**NEW INSTRUMENT** Access to the JEOL NEOARM TEM/STEM will be initiated in the 2019 Spring Cycle for a limited number of users. Access to Soft Matter TEM (Zeiss Libra 120 TEM) and Hitachi HF3300 ...
In lightsheet microscopy a fluorescent sample has a sheet of light passed through it from one or two directions. The sample is then imaged perpendicularly to the lightsheet. It is a very quick and ...
A scanning probe microscope comes in a wide variety of flavors, they all produce a set of data points containing the measurements at each location. Usually these data points form a regular 2D grid ...
The University of Colorado Boulder Biochemistry Department's Krios Electron Microscopy facility (BioKEM) offers single particle cryo-EM and cryo tomography of plunge-frozen samples. The BioKEM ...
An inexpensive Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) controller consisting of Arduino and custom-made printed board that listens to firing TTL pulse from camera and generates up to 8 TTL output pulses.
We introduce a random-access parallel (RAP) imaging modality that uses a novel design inspired by a Newtonian telescope to image multiple spatially separated samples without moving parts or robotics.
The Rio CMOS camera will modernize the transmission in electron microscopy (TEM) across all applications. With Rio, users will no longer have to pick between resolution, field of view, speed and ...
[Amen] wanted to inspect ICs on the PCBs for suitability for reuse, so he bought a metallurgical microscope that illuminates from above rather than below, since it normally looks at opaque things.