The animated film 'The Glassworker,' directed by Usman Riaz, is contending for an Oscar, putting Pakistan's animation talent on the global stage.
Director Kenji Kamiyama and producer Joseph Chou tell IndieWire about the arduous process of bringing Middle-earth to anime.
A Grammy nominee whose pair of Top 10 hits and show business career was overwhelmed in the public eye by her anti-gay ...
Wētā VFX supervisor Luke Millar discusses turning Robbie Williams into a performing monkey for Michael Gracey's biopic.
Walt Disney Studios has come a long way since its inception in the 1920s, when two brothers, Walt and Roy Disney, began animating an impish mouse named Mickey. Now, Disney is one of the largest ...
Director Kevin Williamson has announced that cameras are now rolling on the seventh movie in the classic Scream franchise, ...
Everything about the OnePlus 13 shines – including the cameras, although a conservative telephoto and occasional white ...
The film production company adopted its mountain logo in 1914, and artists have created various versions since.
A dobe Express is an Adobe app built for everyone and doesn't require specialist knowledge. It has been available to mobile ...