金秋深圳,凉风送爽。在深生活工作多年的Alya与好友Delysia约上,为自己安排了凤凰古村的非遗体验之旅:在驻村艺术家王笛的协助下,完成宋朝和清代的妆造,一局围棋一杯清茶,时光悠悠; 行走在古村里的巷子,小扇轻摇 ,日光浅浅。
马上就是“十一”黄金周了你的七天假期想好怎么过了吗广州2000+场文旅活动了解一下涵盖文艺演出、文博展览、百姓舞台、非遗活动、公共文化活动、景区酒店优惠等各类场景精彩纷呈等你来As the countdown to the National Day ...
With the fragrance of rice and a stunning vast carpet of paddy fields, the tranquil Dongshe Village of Liantang Town has ...
is a prime example of achieving dual success in industrial and cultural revitalization. Deyun Residence was transformed from an ancient residential area in Bijang Village, preserving the traditional ...
A feast of folk customs experiences and intangible cultural heritage displays with a mixture of China's Double Ninth Festival ...
As treasure troves of history and culture, museums have also been gaining popularity among the Chinese in recent years, with 1.29 billion visits to nationwide museums in 2023, surpassing the figures ...