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A rising tide of plastic waste is choking our oceans, threatening fragile ecosystems and killing sea life. While plastic has revolutionised our way of life since it was invented in the 1950s, the ...
The Yangtze river’s finless porpoise is one of the very few porpoises (relatives of dolphins and whales) that live in fresh water. Its small size and cute 'smile' make it much loved in China and ...
The expansion of soy bean farms (plantations) has led to vast areas of deforestation and destruction of natural habitats, thereby driving the loss of biodiversity in some of the world’s most precious ...
Thank you! Over 10,000 of you wrote to your MP last year calling for the current UK government to keep the crucial promises they’ve made to tackle the nature and ...
Just 20 minutes in nature a day can help reduce stress levels, ease anxiety and boost our mood. It’s time to get your daily dose of nature. There are many ways to help protect and restore nature that ...
Emission reporting is a key action for any businesses who want to better understand their impact, and to make real changes for the environment. With this guide, WWF aim to help businesses like yours ...