The University of Wyoming offers 80+ majors for undergraduate students. With one of the lowest cost tuition levels among four-year universities, earning your degree puts you on an affordable path to ...
University of Wyoming Institutional Communications and Marketing specialists, and communications team members on campus received 10 awards during the annual Wyoming Press Association (WPA) Associates ...
Mike Smith, vice president for governmental affairs and community engagement at the University of Wyoming, has been appointed as a commissioner to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher ...
For a UW faculty member who would like to be added to the list, email your name, title, department, contact information and one area of expertise (most relevant) to Ron Podell, a UW Institutional ...
University of Wyoming faculty members who have upcoming research papers that will be published in the following journals -- Nature, Science or the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences -- ...
If you enjoy this event, please consider a donation to support Haub School students, storytelling for wild and working lands, and future years of the film festival. Thank you! The Wild and Working ...
“Digital scholarship is the use of digital evidence and method, digital authoring, digital publishing, digital curation and preservation, and digital use and reuse of scholarship.” (Abby Smith Rumsey, ...
The University of Wyoming Outdoor Program offers a full spectrum of wilderness medicine courses through Longleaf Wilderness Medicine (LWM). These courses include Wilderness First Aid (WFA), Wilderness ...
Now that our students have gotten through midterms and are looking ahead to the end of fall semester, it is a good time to review the requirements for ongoing eligibility of financial aid in case they ...
Welcome to the University of Wyoming Sheep Extension page, your comprehensive resource for all things sheep production and management. Explore essential topics such as livestock guardian animals, ...