Once a thriving trade hub, Niigata City’s old world streetscapes, delectable cuisine, and unique culture continues to ...
Fukushima Lagoon is a natural oasis tucked into the suburbs of Niigata City. Native animals thrive among urban surroundings, ...
This 3-day Hiroshima itinerary covers the best things to do in Hiroshima City, Miyajima, and other must-visit destinations in ...
Did you know there are various types of kimono, each designed for different occasions? Married and single women, for example, traditionally wear different styles of kimono. The world of Japanese ...
While major cities like Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka are world-famous Japanese tourist destinations, if you're seeking a little more tranquility on your travels, you might be better suited journeying to ...
Geisha are one of the most captivating symbols of Japan. Their iconic appearance is unmistakable thanks to the elaborate geisha makeup, hairstyle, kimono, and more. Yet much of a geisha's lifestyle ...
你也许听说过位于东京台场的“teamLab Borderless”数码艺术美术馆,但你知道实际上在东京丰洲市场旁,还有另一座同样由 teamLab 团队策划的展览馆“teamLab Planets”吗?这两处展览内容秉着不同核心概念各有千秋,接下来就带你实际走访“teamLab Planets”一趟,了解 ...
日本的鐵道經過百年發展,擁有許多不成文的默契,也有因不可抗力因素而形成的謎團,例如在某些車站才會出現的「0號月台」到底通往哪裡?有發現東京車站23個乘車處中少了幾個嗎?而好聽的電車進出站音樂又是怎麼選出來的呢?本篇文章將為您介紹關於 ...
While already loved by those in the know, Kengo Kuma’s design of the 68,000-seat Japan National Stadium for the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics really put his name onto the world stage. Integrating ...
在這段因疫情影響而無法出門的時期裡,您知道居然還可以「線上虛擬旅遊」嗎?舉凡東京的雷門與淺草寺、澀谷十字路口;京都地區的京都塔、東本願寺;大阪的梅田、關西國際機場和富士山等,現在究竟都成了甚麼模樣?本文特別彙整日本各大觀光勝地與 ...
即使學了日文,看日本綜藝節目時,是否有時聽不懂藝人大叔們嘴裡在嚷嚷著些什麼呢?其實他們口中常使用的是關西腔(大阪腔)哦。大部分外國人所學的日語是「東京腔」,又被稱為「標準語」。究竟關西腔和標準語有何不同呢?筆者根據在關西留學、實際 ...