Mike: Hello, I’m Mike Clarke podcast editor for the Cochrane Library. Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth has produced many reviews of interventions relevant to the organization and delivery of ...
Incentives, such as money, vouchers or deposits, can be used to encourage people to quit smoking, and to reward them if they remain non-smoking. Such schemes can be run in workplaces, in clinics, and ...
A new Cochrane review has found that calorie labelling of food on menus and products leads people to choose slightly fewer calories. The research team, led by scientists from UCL, Bath Spa University, ...
Czy to było pomocne? Darowizna. Jeśli te dane naukowe okazały się pomocne, prosimy o rozważenie przekazania darowizny na rzecz Cochrane. Jesteśmy organizacją charytatywną, która tworzy dostępne dane ...
Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) may reduce the effort required to walk, and increase walking speed and satisfaction with walking in people with calf muscle weakness due to neuromuscular disorders, but we ...
Ovaj sažetak preveden je u okviru volonterskog projekta prevođenja Cochrane sažetaka. Uključite se u projekt i pomozite nam u prevođenju brojnih preostalih Cochrane sažetaka koji su još uvijek ...