NASA American Aldrin, Jr. descends from the lunar module and prepares to walk on the Moon, taken by Neil Armstrong, 1969 Chromogenic print on fiber "A Kodak Paper" paper strongly ...
NASA American Eugene Cernan saluting US flag on Moon Apollo 17 mission, taken by Harrison Schmitt, 1972 Chromogenic print on fiber "A Kodak Paper" paper Image: 10.94 x 13.98 in. ( ...
Eduardo Masferre was a Filipino-Catalan photographer known for his work documenting the lifestyle of native people in the region of the Cordillera. Born in 1909 in Sagada, Mountain Province, ...
Hans Coper was a British and German ceramic artist known for his contributions to the 20th century studio pottery movement. He specialized in ceramics, particularly functional vessels. Born in 1920 in ...
María Berrío is a Colombian artist known for her collage works that explore themes of femininity, women, displacement, and ecology. Born in 1982 in Bogotà, Colombia, she currently resides in Brooklyn, ...