Light rain is expected to dampen Southern California this weekend, easing fire conditions but also raising landslide risks in burn areas. It won't end local fire risk. The drizzle is “enough to tamp ...
Step into a seed library and you'll discover a wealth of seed collections and gardening knowledge. A seed library collects and stores seeds that allows gardeners to “borrow” donated seeds for free.
Then, in the summer, we have many months of no rain, the aquifer under us drying out, and we must irrigate from the municipal water that we have to pay for; and there it is falling from the sky, clean ...
UC Master Food Preservers (MFPs) are trained volunteers who extend UC research-based information about home food safety and preservation to the public. Work in the community as local food preservation ...
The Master Gardeners offer free information on home gardening. Call the MG phone helpline during our office hours or leave an email or voice message after hours.
Fire advisors offer guidance on minimizing damage, preparing for evacuation, protecting against smoke With exceptionally dry conditions persisting in many parts of California, residents should double ...
Welcome to the Center for Landscape and Urban Horticulture (CLUH), an information resource of the University of California Cooperative Extension (UC Cooperative Extension). The CLUH supports UC ...
Fungicide efficacy trials have been conducted using conventional/novel programs to treat various fungal diseases of grapevine, apple, pear, and other small fruit crops. Viewers can access information ...
The CDC will fund seasonal flu vaccinations for workers in the poultry and dairy industries in an effort to prevent H5N1 from mixing with other influenza A viruses and reassorting into a new strain.
UC ANR is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion and upholding the civil rights of our staff, academics, clients, partners and campus communities. As a recipient of federal funds through the ...
The California Animal Health and Food Safety laboratories provide necropsy and other testing services for poultry owners. Click here to view their necropsy submission guidelines or here to learn more ...