In a new spot directed by Henry Scholfield, classic artworks have been transformed through a combination of live action, animation and AI Andy Warhol’s 1962 painting of a Coca-Cola bottle offers a ...
RIT's history in the Coca-Cola Refreshing Films program includes the grand prize in 2022 and finalist ... I feel like live-action and animation are two mediums that get separated a lot, but I think ...
Coca-Cola (Japan) Co. also praised his art through its official account, saying, “Thank you so much for drawing a great picture.” Keito found it hard to believe that so many people were ...
Coca-Cola’s Christmas ad was slammed, a pop star’s music video led to a priest’s downfall, and a piece of art — it's edible — sold for $6 million. Test your knowledge of the week in news ...
Hop on a Delta flight soon and you might be lucky enough to view an unexpected art show, displayed on the plane’s tray tables. Conceived by Wieden + Kennedy New York, the project sees Delta join ...