Certain instrumentation, machines, and devices (e.g., x-ray diffraction units, x-ray fluorescence systems, electron microscopes, etc.) may not be termed "x-ray machines" but, under certain conditions ...
Figure 2: Protein molecules, virus particles, nanocrystals and cells can be delivered in vacuum to a high-intensity X-ray FEL pulse, in droplets of water or other liquids. Figure 3: Diffraction ...
The X-ray Crystallography Center was fully renovated in November 2007 and houses a single-crystal X-ray diffraction system, a brand-new Bruker D8 VENTURE diffractometer, providing X-ray diffraction ...
Our analytical XRD instrument utilises X-ray radiation to investigate the structure of crystallised biomolecular assemblies through X-ray diffraction (XRD). X-ray radiation is a type ... When operated ...
2D-XRD, or two-dimensional X-ray diffraction, is a powerful analytical technique used to study the atomic ... Advanced computational methods, such as machine learning and data mining, are being ...