The Geochron World Time Indicator is a clock that doubles as a live map of where the sun is shining on the Earth. Back in its day, it was a cult piece that some have dubbed the “Rolex on the ...
By entering the date, time, and location of an event, you can hop on to your little virtual time machine and get a glimpse of the enormous world clock. Whether you're planning a virtual meeting with ...
It’s been centuries since the first public clocks were built in towns, cities and settlements around the world. How do we know this? Well, it’s the clocks themselves that have helped us keep ...
That was back in 2001, when he and his colleague Christian Tamm proposed a device with the potential to be even more precise and portable than the world’s best atomic clocks. Peik’s estimate ...
This app is a combination of an alarm clock, a world clock, a timer, and a stopwatch. PC users can set alarms and reminders, check times around the world, and the time of their activities.