The smaller the PC, the bigger the problems. That's what I've long believed in my many years of building relatively functional computers. You have to consider tolerances, sizes, form factors, and ...
What is the best mini gaming PC? The traditional image of a gaming custom PC is some hulking behemoth of a machine, with frantically spinning fans, blazing rainbow RGB LEDs, and a monstrously ...
Pandora is a 'mini AI hardware' stuck in a mini PC form factor It uses Nvidia's Jetson Orin NX Super platform Comes with 128GB SSD and a Ubuntu OS, in a chassis under 500g Nvidia’s largest add ...
Over the past couple of years, we've seen a surge of mini gaming PCs, most of which come from brands that, especially in the U.S., most enthusiasts haven't heard of. It's a Herculean task to ...
Nvidia’s largest add-in-board partner, Palit, has been a key supplier in the global video card market for over 30 years. Best known for its range of Nvidia GeForce graphics cards, the company is ...