Java Snapshot 25w02a, a test drive for the content coming in Minecraft's next update, was just released. It's got new pigs, some nice touches to overworld forests, and some Pale Garden improvements.
Pigs are one of the most basic farm animals that spawn in Minecraft. They are one of the very first entities that were coded into the game, back in 2009.
Mojang have released the first Snapshot (a Beta) of the next Minecraft update, and with it there's a bunch of new features ...
Minecraft’s first update of 2025 is packed with exciting features to make the game even more immersive. Among the six additions, the introduction of two new pig variants has players buzzing with ...
Mojang has revealed the details for Minecraft's first update of 2025 The update will include six new features, including new pig variants Players can now try out the update in public testing Mojang ...
The new Minecraft snapshot introduces tectonic changes to Mojang’s building game, including fresh biomes and new variants of a classic mob.
The two new pig variants in Minecraft are the Warm Pig and Cold Pig. Warm Pigs can be found in warmer biomes such as sandy biomes and has a rust-brown color. Cold Pigs have lighter-colored fluffy ...
Here is a compilation of all the 25W02A Snapshot features in Minecraft, explaining the new changes added to the game.
The next Minecraft update will be on the way soon ... as two adorable temperature variants have been added for pigs. A brown “warm” pig can now be found spawning in warmer biomes, while ...
Here is a comprehensive guide to the latest Minecraft Snapshot 25W03A, explaining all the new features being added to the ...