Kawaii to the max, the series follows the adventures of two of the most beloved characters from Japan's Sanrio, world-famous ...
Part of the confusion stems from a misunderstanding of “kawaii,” which is Japanese for “cute” but also connotes a lovable or adorable essence. Sanrio recruited Shimizu and other ...
In Japan, ‘cute’ is a big deal. Their own word for it, kawaii (“ka-why-ee”), is more of an ethos than an adjective. Shops and billboards are filled with big-eyed fluffy figures.
Richard Magarey, better known as Ladybeard, is a cross-dressing pro wrestler and a heavy metal singer from Adelaide who’s made it big in Japan. Ladybeard is a Japan-based Australian wrestler ...
Netflix is coming up with a stop-motion animated series titled My Melody & Kuromi, based on the adorable Sanrio Characters.
Long before the global rise of K-pop, Japanese music had already carved out a special place in the hearts of Malaysian fans. While Western and ...