而 EPL-2.0 许可证是 Eclipse 基金会制定,并广泛用于 Eclipse IDE(集成开发环境)及 Jakarta EE 等知名项目的弱著佐权型(weak copyleft)许可证,长期以来是 ...
EPL-2.0许可证诞生于Eclipse基金会,广泛应用于Eclipse IDE及Jakarta EE等重要项目,凭借其弱著作权式的特性,一直以来在全球开源社区中拥有较高的使用率。
The installer, which is easily downloaded from eclipse.org, takes care of the entire process. To install Eclipse on Ubuntu, follow these steps: Download the Eclipse IDE installer zip from eclipse.org.
they either add support for the chip in the Arduino IDE, or they crack open their text editor of choice and do everything manually. Plus of course there are the stragglers out there using Eclipse.