在摄影的世界里,佳能总是以其创新技术和卓越品质引领潮流。如今,随着Canon EOS R8的亮相,全画幅微单相机领域迎来了新的篇章。 EOS R8延续了佳能 ...
佳能EOS R8全画幅微单相机的优惠价格让人眼前一亮,只需12919.05元就能入手。这款相机是全画幅系列中最轻的一款,性能出众。它配备了40张每秒的高速连拍功能、预拍摄以及智能眼部识别追踪等功能。此外,它还支持高帧率视频拍摄,让你捕捉更多精彩瞬间。在设计上,EOS R8也十分出色。它保留了良好的握持感,并增加了LOCK档位和电源开关等贴心设计。同时,机身顶部的设计逻辑与EOS R6 Mark ...
And, it's popular for a reason - despite being a 2018 body, it's still impressively competitive with even recent releases for ...
The Canon Speedlite EL-10 builds on the success of the 430EX III-RT, repurposed for the latest EOS R system cameras.
At 410 megapixels, Canon's latest sensor can claim the title of the world's biggest 35mm full-frame sensor. But you won't see it in a camera any time soon.