3M firestop solutions prevent the spread of fire, smoke and toxic gases, and are supported with world class training and 3M technical expertise. Learn more.
Specification divisions and architectural specs for through penetrations, construction joints, flexible wrap systems and general firestopping. Find product spec files CAD Drawings and BIM Files
3M Service Penetration Firestopping Solutions Sealants 3M offer a wide range of sealing solutions from high performance fire barrier sealants to simple fire block foam sprays and lightweight packing material. They help prevent the spread of fire, smoke and toxic gases through penetrations. 8 | www.3M.com.au/fireprotection
The superior performance of 3M™ Fire Barrier products is just the beginning of the story. Our website is designed to give you easy access to critical information needed in the construction and maintenance of buildings requiring passive fire protection.
Fire Barrier Sealant FD 150+ is the economical alternative to costly firestopping applications. Used to firestop metal pipes or cables through concrete or gypsum, and in dynamic head-of-wall systems. • Firestop tested up to 3 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479) • Fire Resistive Joint System tested up to 4 hours
As your experienced partner in firestop protection, 3M can help you find the system that suits your needs. You can even combine documents from our system selector, product catalog and technical library to create a customized document for your proposal submittal.
3M firestop solutions prevent the spread of fire, smoke and toxic gases, and are supported with world class training and 3M technical expertise. Learn more.
When it comes to 3M Firestops & Barriers, you can count on Grainger. Supplies and solutions for every industry, plus easy ordering, fast delivery and 24/7 customer support.