约 1,130,000 个结果
- Little to no benefitVitamin C has been studied for many years as a possible treatment for colds, or as a way to help prevent colds. But findings have been inconsistent. Overall, experts have found little to no benefit from vitamin C for preventing or treating the common cold.www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/vitamin-c-for-common-cold
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Cold remedies: What works, what doesn't, what can't hurt
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علاجات البرد شائعة تمامًا مثل حدوث نزلات البرد، لكن هل هي فعالة؟ لا شيء يمكن أن يعالج نزلات البرد. ومع ذلك قد تساعد بعض …
维生素 C。通常情况下服用维生素 C 似乎不能帮助普通人预防感冒。 但是,一些研 …
Vitamin C
Taking oral vitamin C supplements won't prevent the common cold. Evidence also …
Vitamin C for Colds: Benefits, Side Effects, Uses - WebMD