Welcome to the Daily SuDoku! Today's SuDoku is shown on the right. Click the grid to download a printable version of the puzzle. Visit the archive for previous daily puzzles and solutions. Play online, print a Sudoku, solve and get hints using the new improved Draw/Play function. But how do …
Click the "today" button to play today's Daily Sudoku online. Click a square and enter numbers using the keypad. Use the space bar or delete to empty a cell. Add and remove "pencil marks" by holding down the <Ctrl> or <alt> key. Input a puzzle, or partially completed puzzle, and click "Print" for a printable page.
The classic 9x9 Sudoku is known and loved to world over. Daily Sudoku puzzles are carefully graded in four levels -- easy, medium, hard and very hard -- extensively tested over many months on the Daily Sudoku website. E-books of classic Sudoku puzzles are available from the books page. Monster. Sometimes the 9x9 puzzle just isn't enough.
The Daily SuDoku for Kids provides a free puzzle every day for the younger SuDoku-er. These puzzles are mainly 6x6 SuDokus, with some 4x4 and some easier 9x9 puzzles thrown in. Visit the archive to see the solutions, and also to choose whether to use numbers as normal, or letters.
There are several options for syndicating Daily Sudoku puzzles. See the syndication page for more information. It is important to note that all our puzzles are copyrighted. Q22. I love your site and I want to donate some money to help you keep it …
Grade - update the puzzle difficulty based on the numbers given. Too hard means the solver doesn't know how to solve the puzzle. Hint - get a logical next step (highlighted in red). Solve - solve the puzzle. Ascii - get a text version of the puzzle. This is particularly useful to email a puzzle to a friend, or paste into the discussion pages.
Like Sudoku, puzzles can be very easy, presenting even the beginner with a 5 or 10 minute diversion, or very hard, occupying the hardened puzzler with a significant challenge. The Objective The object of Nurikabe is to shade each square black or …