Harness the power of Modern Luxury’s editorial platform. Reaching more than 13 million consumers through print, Modern Luxury’s highly-prominent 85+ brands across 22 markets offer numerous ways for brand’s to reach and connect with our highly-coveted audience.
As part of the award-winning Modern Luxury Media network, Hamptons delivers cutting-edge fashion spreads, international travel features, revealing celebrity profiles, and the latest local know-how, ensuring our content consistently engages
Brands can harness the full power of the Modern Luxury platform to continuously and effectively engage with their consumers through editorial, digital, experiential, social media, influencer campaigns, custom content and more.
Modern Luxury will work directly with your brand to shape purposeful and entertaining brand-content, positioned alongside the world’s most successful luxury brands. With Modern Luxury, your cohesive brand message creates an authentic connection between you and your audience.
Detailed PDF templates and specifications for all of Niche Media's ad sizes and information on how to access the Online Ad Portal to submit ads online.
As part of the award-winning Modern Luxury Media network, Modern Luxury Peak will inspire, inform, and entertain through coverage on trends and happenings, high-end gear, home decor, chic boutiques, hip eateries, and inventive cocktails.
As part of the award-winning Modern Luxury Media network, Jezebel delivers cutting-edge fashion spreads, international travel features, revealing celebrity profiles, and the latest local know-how, ensuring our content consistently engages the city’s most cultured audience.
As part of the award-winning Modern Luxury Media network, Modern Luxury Palm Beach delivers cutting-edge fashion spreads, international travel features, revealing celebrity profiles, and the latest local know-how, ensuring our content consistently engages the …
As part of the award-winning Modern Luxury Media network, MIAMI delivers cutting-edge fashion spreads, international travel features, revealing celebrity profiles, and the latest local know-how, ensuring our content consistently engages the city’s most cultured audience.
modern luxury hosts more than 500 star-studded, invitation-only events each year, bringing our WORLD-CLASS CONTENT TO LIFE THROUGH UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCES. FROM THE WATERFRONT PRIVATE