  1. High Protein Foods: 16 Foods for High Protein Meals - Healthline

    • Getting enough protein daily is essential for your overall health. Healthy protein sources include eggs, nuts, lean meats, fish, dairy, and certain grains.
      Proteins are a large category of molecules that suppor… 展开

    1. Eggs

    Whole eggs are a good source of protein that’s easy to absorb, and they’re also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants (5).
    Remember that … 展开

    2. Almonds

    Almonds are a nutritious tree nut rich in essential nutrients like fiber, vitamin E, manganese, … 展开

    4. Cottage cheese

    Protein content
    One cup (226 g) of cottage cheese provides 28 g of protein (11). Other high protein cheeses include cheddar cheese, which provides 3… 展开

    5. Greek yogurt

    Protein content
    One 7-ounce (200-g) container provides 19.9 g (14). Other yogurt products that are high in protein include unsweetened low fat yogurt, which pr… 展开

  1. Healthy protein sources include eggs, nuts, lean meats, fish, dairy, and certain grains. Proteins are a large category of molecules that support cell structure, immune function, movement, chemical reactions, hormone...

    Protein in our diet can come from meat, dairy products, nuts, some vegetables, and certain grains and beans.
    High protein foods can include various fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat, seeds, and more.
    In general, foods such as beans, lentils, eggs, meats, poultry, nuts, seeds, seafood, soy products, dairy products, and whole grains are protein sources.
    The most protein-rich foods include: Meat and poultry Fish and seafood Eggs Dairy Soy products Beans and lentils Nuts and seeds
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  3. 39 high-protein foods - Medical News Today

  4. Printable List of 60 High Protein Foods (FREE Download)

    2023年11月7日 · Learn what protein is, why it matters, and how much you need to eat. Download a free printable list of 60 high protein foods with calories and grams per serving.